Organizer Eesti Kontsert
2623Concert series “Confessions. Shostakovich” YXUS ensemble

Concert series “Confessions. Shostakovich” YXUS ensemble

Concert series “Confessions. Shostakovich” YXUS ensemble

Sunday, 18 September 2016 at 17:00
 Tallinn Creative Hub

Harry Traksmann (violin)
Juta Õunapuu-Mocanita (violin)
Kaija Lukas (viola)
Leho Karin (cello)
Marrit Gerretz-Traksmann (piano)
Madis Metsamart, Vambola Krigul, Petri Piiparinen (percussions)


Shostakovich. String Quartet No. 15 in E-flat minor, op. 144

Shostakovich. Symphony No. 15, the chamber orchestra version

Over the course of several concert seasons, the new concerto series “Confessions. Shostakovich” will introduce listeners to one of the most extraordinary cycles in music history, the musical testament that is Dmitri Shostakovich’s 15 string quartets. Actor, musician and thinker Peeter Volkonski, who is an expert on Russian and Soviet culture, will bring listeners closer to the background and essence of the era in his introduction to the concert. The first artist in the series is YXUS Ensemble who always fills the audience with anticipation for something new, intriguing and remarkable, so expect something more than just great quality music. In addition to Shostakovich’s last quartet, the concert will also include his last symphony. This will be the first time the chamber orchestra version of this symphony will be performed in Estonia.

Visit the website of Eesti Kontsert for additional information!