Organizer CarmenTurundus OÜ
3717Tanel Padar Blues Band – concert & dinner
19:00 - 23:00
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Regular tickets available until 23 March for €15. Regular tickets on the same day on 24 March will cost €19. Concert and dinner for €59.

Tanel Padar Blues Band – concert & dinner

You don’t have to wait until Valentine’s Day, International Women’s Day, or the summer solstice to treat yourself to a wonderful night out in good company. Let’s meet on 24 March in Tallinn Creative Hub and just take a moment to enjoy life along with a nice meal and excellent music! And if you’re still looking for something to celebrate then know that by that time spring will have officially begun!

A delicious dinner will be served at 19:00 – the table will be set by Taavi Adamson and Ants Uustalu, master chefs at Saku Gastropub and Ööbiku Gastronomy Farm Restaurant.

Tanel Padar Blues Band will take the stage at 21:00. Come and join us for a pleasant evening! You can come and enjoy the concert without taking part in the dinner!