
The Creative Hub is bubbling!

Tallinn Creative Hub was cranked up on 18 February when the Cauldron Hall and Corridor/Club’s capacity and opportunities were showcased. The creative labs (MakerLab and Sound Studio) will be opened in the coming months, and by autumn 2015 the whole building will be open for creative activity.

Tallinn Creative Hub is bubbling thanks to Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar, Tallinn Creative Hub Chairman Kairi Teniste and Board Member Väino Sarnet. The reconstruction of the building, which has a very exciting history, has mostly been possible thanks to the City of Tallinn’s decision to renovate this commanding cultural heritage building. Tallinn Creative Hub is a place for carrying out a wide range of events and an environment for new initiatives and forms of collaboration.

Visitors got an idea of the character and capacity of the rooms at the Tallinn Creative Hub, and soon the building will be hosting a number of renowned events. Its biggest room, the Cauldron Hall, which was opened yesterday, is characterised by its industrial nature and somewhat robust look – which confirms the room’s uniqueness and clearly separates it from others. The rooms that are empty (for now) were also shown. In the future they will serve as offices for a number of creative businesses.

MakerLab will be finished during March, and Sound Studio will follow suit in a few months. MakerLab is a universal workshop whose doors are open to crafters and creative people who wish to create prototypes or produce a small series of products. It is actively moving forward with a youth training series teaching the basics of robotics and developing a variety of youth projects. MakerLab’s doors are definitely open to all kinds of ideas – only a few months ago it helped with the production of an electronic knitting machine whose parts were created using a 3D printer and laser.

Tallinn Creative Hub’s evening event and concert brought together many music lovers. Estonian pop-rock band Daniel Levi offered a truly positive and vivid concert experience.

We would like to thank everybody who came to the launch of Tallinn Creative Hub. Its doors are now open to new ideas and events!

The reconstruction of the building of Tallinn Creative Hub has been possible thanks to the City of Tallinn and funding from the European Regional Development Fund.

Come and see Tallinn Creative Hub’s rooms! / Kristiina Kütt / Programme Manager, Event Centre / / +372 5620 1113