

Estonian TV channels are visiting Kultuurikatel!

The Kultuurikatel has been dolled up so much for Estonia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union that anyone who’s been there before will struggle to recognise it.

The Tallinna TV series Suvestuudio /Summer Studio/ visited the Kultuurikatel during the first week of August. Topics discussed included the Creative Hub itself, the EU presidency, Foucault’s pendulum, the Linnahall concert venue and cultural events.

You can watch the 1 August episode here: www.tallinnatv.eu/saated-sarjad/ajaviide/suvestuudio/14268-2017-08-01-suvestuudio

The ETV series Ringvaade /Newsreel/ dispatched reporter Hannes Hermaküla to the Kultuurikatel on 12 September.

You can watch the episode here: http://menu.err.ee/618206/hannes-hermakula-tegi-ametniku-kombel-ringkaigu-muutunud-kultuurikatlas

Reporter visted Kultuurikatel. You can watch the episode here (from 35’40’’): Reporter. Hooaeg 3, Part 589. 26.09.2017. http://kanal2.postimees.ee/pluss/video/?id=77026