
Tallinn Marathon and Autumn Fun Run to bring significant changes to traffic

This year’s Tallinn Marathon and Autumn Fun Run, which together constituteEstonia’s biggest ever popular sports event, will be taking place from 7-9 September. More than 22,000 people from 60 countries will be competing in the races.

To ensure that such a large event is conducted safely, substantial changes will be made to traffic in the city which will inevitably lead to bottlenecks. Roads on and around the marathon and fun run course will either be closed off completely or else the movement of traffic on them will be significantly restricted. As a result, drivers should expect delays in race areas and exercise patience; alternatively, other routes should be taken to reach their destinations. Drivers are asked to take careful note of temporary traffic signs and to follow all of the instructions and recommendations given by traffic regulators.

Residents along the race route, as well as pedestrians, cyclists and others, are requested to acquaint themselves with the changed traffic information – in particular with regard to which streets and roads will be accessible – ahead of time. Where possible it is recommended that any activities which would be affected by the traffic changes be planned for outside of competition hours. Everyone is requested to be especially observant on the race days.

Saturday 8 September >Among others, roads will be closed or traffic significantly affected in Northern Tallinn (Kopli & Tööstuse) and Kalamaja (Kalaranna, Kalasadama & around the Creative Hub) from 17:00-19:00, with no trams (no. 1 & no. 2) running from 16:30-19:30. Sunday 9 September >Among others, roads will only be closed or traffic affected in Kalamaja (Kalaranna, Kalasadama & around the Creative Hub) for a short time, from 8:50-9:50, although it should be noted that no trams (no. 1 & no. 2) will run from 8:00-16:00.

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