
PPE rules for event organisers

According to the order No 02.11.2020 No T 4-1/20/24 of the Mayor of Tallinn, all organisers of events in Tallinna Kultuurikatel must follow the national restrictions imposed in relation to the Covid 19 virus and ensure that PPE (personal protective equipment) are available for all participants of the event (whether in return or free of charge) and all participants use PPE during the event. 

Tallinna Kultuurikatel ensures that disinfectants are available at the event (except club events). 

It is not necessary to use PPE if it is against the nature of the event, the role of the participant (e.g. competitor, presenter, including actor or singer) or the circumstances of person’s health. Those requirements shall be implemented by the event organiser starting from 9 November 2020.