
Kultuurikatel is open again for indoor events
We are happy to announce that Kultuurikatel is open again for indoor events. We have both smaller and larger halls for events to take place and also enough space in corridors to walk around safely and keep the 2+2 rule. You can find more information about the venue at our website or contact us at
Indoor public events without a stationary seat shall ensure 50% of the room‘s capacity, and visitors shall sit in dispersed and numbered places.The event should end by 9 pm at the latest.
Outside the seating area, people can move around by following the 2 +2 rule. This means that in shared locations, such as wardrobes, foyer, etc., up to 2 people may walk together, keeping a two metre distance from others. Such restrictions are not applying to families and in cases where this condition cannot be guaranteed. For more information on restrictions: