Organizer CarmenTurundus OÜ
795430+ PARTY vol 14. Partying is no sin!
21.09 - 22.09.18
22:00 - 04:00
Buy Ticket
Tickets €15 until 16 September (incl.). Tickets €20 during the party week and at the door. A service fee of €0.50 per ticket will be added when purchased online.

30+ PARTY vol 14. Partying is no sin!

The 30+ party series is back in Tallinn and at the good old Creative Hub!

Everyone will be turning up again. Music will be provided by Andres Puusepp and Marko Kiljak.Only the best at the bar. We’ve also planned some surprises, but they’ll remain a secret for now.

As always, there will be all kinds of music and the main thing is that PARTYING IS NO SIN.

You must be at least 30 years old to enter. Admission on the basis of your ID card!