Organizer Pidu pole patt OÜ
846630+ PARTY Vol. 15. Partying is not a sin!
16.11 - 17.11.18
22:00 - 04:30
Buy Ticket
Early Bird ticket €10, discount advance sale ticket €15 and advance sale ticket during the party week €20. Subject to Piletilevi’s service fee of €0.50.

30+ PARTY Vol. 15. Partying is not a sin!

It’s the second birthday of the 30+ party –come and celebrate with us!

The main act will be flown in from the Netherlands – it’s the super-fun MEN & CHERRY!

DJ Kert Klaus and DJ Kermo Hert will also be on the stage.

You must be at least 30 years old to enter. Admission on the basis of ID!