Organizer Pidu pole patt OÜ
916430+ PARTY vol. 21. Partying is no sin!
05.04 - 06.04.19
22:00 - 04:00
Buy Ticket
Super-discounted tickets €10. Discounted pre-sales tickets €15. Subject to Piletilevi service fee of €0.50. Tickets more expensive at the door.

30+ PARTY vol. 21. Partying is no sin!

The Creative Hub is set to transform into a nightclub for the 30+ set once again! Party no. 21 in the series will take place in the main hall.

It took a lot of effort, but we’ve managed to get the man in whom all of Estonia’s Eurovision hopes lie VICTOR CRONE to take to the stage. He’ll be supported by producers and DJs Stig Rästa and Vallo Kikas. As well as 30+ DJs.

Come and party till the morning! Our favourite faces will be at the bar and the atmosphere will be as electric as ever!

PARTYING IS NO SIN and absolutely everyone will be there!

Reserve a table with drinks by e-mailing

You must be at least 30 years old to enter. Admission on the basis of your ID card.

Filming and photography are forbidden.