Organizer Eesti Disainerite Liit and MTÜ DisainiÖÖ
2625XI Design Night Festival “Redefining Design”
12.09 - 18.09.16

XI Design Night Festival “Redefining Design”

The reputable international Design Night titled “Redefining Design” will once again take place as part of Tallinn Design Festival during 12-18 September.

The design night includes high-level design exhibitions, showrooms, galleries, displays from designers and design schools. An international seminar will take place during the Design Night Festival featuring innovative design experts who redefine the concept of design.

The traditional programme of the festival includes the PechaKucha night, workshops for children as well as adults, flash lectures, film presentations and fashion shows. The exhibition will display the latest designs from Estonia, Austria, Finland, Korea, Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia and Hungary, with special attention to design from the countries by the Baltic Sea.

The main locations of the XI Design Night Festival are Tallinn Creative Hub, Helios Cinema and Tallinn Architecture and Design Gallery. Satellites are positioned all over the city. The city is illuminated by light installations by Lux Matrix.

Visit the Design Night Festival’s website for more information on the programme