Organizer SA Tallinna Kultuurikatel
1159Talk “Notes from the Documentary Project ”Food Memory”” and film “Food Memory” Estonian premiere
18:00 - 20:45

Talk “Notes from the Documentary Project ”Food Memory”” and film “Food Memory” Estonian premiere

ILKKA RUUHIJÄRVI and ULLA TURUNEN will deliver their TALK “Notes from the Documentary Project ”Food Memory”” (Finland, 2013) on Tuesday, 15 September at 6 p.m. The talk will be held in English.

FILM “Food Memory” (Finland, 2013, Ilkka Ruuhijärvi and Ulla Turunen, 58 min) will have Estonian premiere on the 15th of September 2015.

lkka Ruuhijärvi and Ulla Turunen will talk about their documentary projects where the main characters have mostly been children, farmers, workers and immigrants. The documentary shows how religions and a food culture are combined.

TICKET 4 € / tickets sold 30 minutes before the event at the venue in cash only.

The event will be held in Tallinn Creative Hub (Põhja pst 27a), 3rd floor.

More / Creative Education of Tallinn Creative Hub / Dagmar Kase / Project Manager / / +372 58874921