Organizer Eesti Akvarellistide Ühendus (Estonian Watercolour Society)
8482Vaatenurk (Point of View) – Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Watercolour Society
19.10 - 21.11.18
12:00 - 17:00

The exhibition is open from 12:00-17:00 Monday-Friday. Admission is free.

Vaatenurk (Point of View) – Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Watercolour Society

The exhibition displays the work of Estonian watercolourists. All of the featured artists have found different approaches to deciphering the topic and expressed it in their own idiosyncratic ways.

The exhibition includes works by Marje Üksine, Epp Viires, Marju Bormeister, Kadri Bormeister, Illimar Paul, Rete Jallai, Tiiu Pallu-Vaik, Naima Neidre, Liisi Tani, Mari Roosvalt, Anneliis Vabul, Külli Tael, Agne Kuusing-Soome, Eve Ermann, Tiia Elken, Diana Janson, Lea Malin, Ülle Kuldkepp, Tiiu Übi, Tiina Tammetalu, Mariann Hakk-Eve, Virve Albri, Rein Mägar, Aleks Kase, Eleny Kasemets, Christel Allik, Krista Laos, Pille Lehis and Elize Hiiop.

Curator and designer: Mari Roosvalt, tel. 551 4039,

Organiser: Anneliis Vabul, tel. 5558 9048,