Organizer Eesti Disainiauhinnad
2614Estonian Design Awards 2016

Estonian Design Awards 2016

Estonian Design Awards 2016 – a formal ceremony will take place on 16 September at 20:00 in the Black Box auditorium of Tallinn Creative Hub.

Doors will open at 19:30 and the gala is set to start at 20:00.

The best of the best in product design and service design will be announced during the gala event as part of the Design Night, and awards will also be presented to the very best young designers. Prize spectacles will be given to the Grand Prix winner for graphical and web design, to ADC*E’s designer of the year, for best procurement and to golden award winners in every category. For the first time this year, awards will also be given out for life-changing product design and, in cooperation with Proekspert, for a life-changing smart solution.

Bronze, silver and gold awards for graphic and web design will be announced during the ADC*E feedback seminar on 14 September at 16:00 in the small auditorium of Tallinn Creative Hub:

The gala ceremony will be hosted by actress Inga Salurand and designer Tajo Oja.

Uku Kübrar will take charge of the musical entertainment and Emer Värk will treat viewers to a visual light show.

The Estonian Design Awards 2016 will unite all design awards that have so far been issued in Estonia in order to promote the voice and message of design in society. The Estonian Design Awards were first introduced in 2012 as a cooperation project between the Estonian Association of Designers, the Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia and the Estonian Service Industry Association.

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