Organizer Estonian Sommelier Association (ESA) / Sommeljeede Assotsiatsioon (ESA)
4294Estonian Drinks Festival
13:00 - 22:00

Tickets will go on advance sale in Piletilevi in the autumn.

Estonian Drinks Festival

The Estonian Drinks Festival will be held at the Creative Hub in Tallinn on 29 November, which will bring together Estonian drinks manufacturers. There will be different presentation areas for manufacturers of light and strong alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages.

The Best Estonian Beer Sommelier 2017 will be elected at the event and the best Estonian restaurants 2017 will be announced jointly with Flavours of Estonia. All guests can sample and buy the products showcased at the fair.

Exhibitors can register here:

Further information: Kristel Türk,, +372 520 8533.