Organizer Target Zero MTÜ
12771‘Elektra 2020’ electric car festival
30.10 - 31.10.20

More information about tickets can be found on the Facebook and event pages.

‘Elektra 2020’ electric car festival

‘Elektra 2020’ will provide an overview of the types of electric cars that are currently available and how convenient they are to use everywhere.

The festival will include:

  • An exhibition of electric and hybrid cars
  • A showcase of recharging options (the various rechargers available, standards, etc.)
  • Test drives of various electric and hybrid cars
  • Information on services related to electric and hybrid cars (rentals etc.)
  • A showcase of electric bikes, scooters, hoverboards and more
  • A variety of electric vehicle attractions

More information about tickets and the event can be found on the Facebook and event pages.