Organizer Äripäev
9451Gazelle Congress 2020
09:00 - 17:00
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Gazelle Congress 2020

GAZELLE CONGRESS is a recognition and inspiration event for the owners and managers of rapidly growing firms on whose abilities and operations the Estonian economy depends.

The Estonian GAZELLE MOVEMENT will be marking its 20th anniversary in 2020!For two decades the Äripäevnewspaper has been compiling the Gazelle rankings, organising the Gazelle Congress and writing about how gazelle firms are doing. A gazelle is a rapidly growing company which has increased its turnover and profit by at least 50% in the last three years. The gazelle movement values such companies in the knowledge that they are the ones which create the most new jobs in a country and are bold, fast and flexible. The gazelle movement originated in the United States, with the term coined by American economist David Birch. Other rankings of rapidly growing companies are compiled, for example, by Finland and Sweden’s leading financial newspapers, Kauppalehtiand Dagens Industrirespectively.

More information on the website.