Organizer Flavours of Estonia (Eesti Maitsed täna)
11293Ideas / Flavours / Experiences
10:00 - 22:00

Ideas / Flavours / Experiences

Meet exceptional individuals from the culinary world!

The second edition of Ideas / Flavours / Experiences will be exploring the chefs, innovators and leading thinkers in their respective fields. The days leading up to the main event will include explorations around Estonia and four hand dinners that will be announced and sold separately.

The Monday event will culminate with the announcement of the Best Restaurants in Estonia by White Guide. Furthermore, the Craft Drink Festival will be taking place on the premises, showcasing the best of local producers, available to the public and event attendees all day. The winners of the Best Beer Sommelier and Barman competition will be announced on the main stage during the evening. A kickass afterparty will follow.

For more information see