Organizer Tallinn Cultural Office
8283Concert Kodune Tallinn and Nationalities Day
12:00 - 17:00

Free admission.

Concert Kodune Tallinn and Nationalities Day

Tallinn is celebrating the day of ethnic minorities in Estonia!

Estonia is home to 194 nationalities. We will get to know representatives of the different nationalities living in Tallinn.

12.00–17.00National handicrafts, workshops and ethnic food

14.00–16.00Big concert Kodune Tallinn

Performers include Ruslan Trochynskyi, Sofia Rubina-Hunter, Ka Bo Chan, James Werts World Project, Stanislav Bulganin and Tõnu Timm, Maria Rääk, studio ArteFlamenco and Jorge Arena, David Chevallier Trio, Tatar Vocal Studio Altõn, Mystika Dance Studio, Dance Ensemble Neposedõ – Tallinn, Estonia (Ансамбль танца „Непоседы”), Dance Ensemble Kuljus of the Tallinn Technical University and others.

The concert will be staged by Jaanika Juhanson with video artist Pille Kannimäe. The video clips shown between the music and dance performances introduce representatives of the nationalities living in Tallinn and their thoughts.