7484‘When 5Miinust were still good’ – live!
09.06 - 10.06.18
23:00 - 05:00

Tickets at the door! Party with gear €0. First hour €5. FB attending entire night €7. Regular €10. Fast lane €15.

‘When 5Miinust were still good’ – live!

Almost exactly two years ago, four men (one brain) came from Võsu and gave their first live show in Pada in Tallinn. It was the day Estonian rap was saved.

We’re celebrating that day this year with another 5MIINUST live show! In fact the exact same set as last time. Bänger-Kalifaat-Fuuria-Varas-Hommik-Glory.

Songs you want us to do at our live shows, but which we otherwise wouldn’t do. Now we’re doing them. One more time. Guest performers can’t be ruled out.

In the booth before and after: the bad boy of our franchise, hellraiser PARTY DJ Dr PhilGood. And he’s invited Mr Paul Glory Oja & Dr Võsu Reiv Käärkäe along with him.

Special prices at the bar: Jazzy Bubbels’ favourite tipple Hennessy.

You must be at least 18 to enter.