Organizer Tallinna Merepäevad koostöös Alion Baltic International Music festivaliga
2134Symphony Orchestra of the North-Western Russia “Music from Films”

Symphony Orchestra of the North-Western Russia “Music from Films”

16th of July at 21:00, The third VIP-concert in Alion Baltic International Music Festival 2016 program.

Symphony Orchestra of the North-Western Russia. Artistic Director/Conductor – Gennady Chernov. “Music from Films” – Forrest Gump, Romeo and Juliet, Jurassic Parc, Pirates of the Caribbean.

Symphony Orchestra of the North-Western Russia – a project that brings together the best musicians, always receiving the audiences highest recognition. Orchestra Artistic director and conductor – Gennady Chernov.
The orchestra plays in a totally different genres, and likes to experiment with repertoire.
In cooperation with The Tallinn Sea Days Festival, Alion Baltic International Music festival presents the orchestra, featuring selections from world- famous movies: “The Godfather,” “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Star Wars”, “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial ” and other masterpieces of cinema that the audience meets always with enthusiasm and warmth.

Richard Rogers – The Sound of Music
Andrea Silvestri – Forrest Gump
Nino Rota – Romeo ja Julia, La Dolce Vita
John Williams – Flight to Neverland, From Hook, Jurassic Park, Schindler’s list Lev Klychkov, Across the Stars from Star Wars
Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt – Pirates of the Caribbean   Isaac Dunaevsky – The Children of Captain Grant