Organizer PADA, Kontsert3
4130Maapealne paradiis (Paradise on Earth)
20:00 - 22:00
Buy Ticket
17.00 €

Maapealne paradiis (Paradise on Earth)

Lenna Kuurmaa, Piret Krumm, Liina Vahtrik & a band featuring Jonas Kaarnamets (guitar), Tõnis Kivisild (bass), Madis Muul (keyboards) and Hans Kurvits (drums)

“Rock’n’roll is paradise on earth…” sang Genialistid in 2000. This song is hot again 17 years later, but this time it is performed by Lenna Kuurma, Piret Krumm, and Liina Vahtrik, who will also serenade you with many other classic Estonian and pop and rock songs. This summer, the stages in Estonia will be taken over by music from Fix to Terminaator and Marju Kuut to Orelipoiss.

All of the three soloists did well on the TV show Your Face Sounds Familiar two years ago, and now they’ll be on the stage again with the best Estonian hits of all ages.

19 July at 20 in Haapsalu Bishop’s Castle

21 July at 20 in Vihula Manor Garden

25 July at 20 in the Tallinn Creative Hub Garden PADA

27 July at 20 in Antonius Yard, Tartu

28 July at 20 on the open air stage of Pärnu Kuursaal

29 July at 20 in Paide Song Festival Ground