Organizer Harju Economic Development Centre
8039Elamuslabor StartUp Day – A training event on setting up student companies
11:00 - 17:00

Students take part free of charge! Places are limited, so register now!

Elamuslabor StartUp Day – A training event on setting up student companies

Have you ever felt restless because you want to do something and show a bit of entrepreneurial spirit but don’t know where to start? Ever thought of launching your own business? Then you’re who we want to see at Elamuslabor StartUp Day on 11 or 17 October for training on how to set up a student company!

TrainersAlain Aunand Maiko Saluorgwill help you with everything, from your initial idea right through to designing your product or service. Come on your own or bring your whole team, whether you’ve got an idea or not – we’re looking forward to seeing you! You won’t believe how much you can achieve in one day.

Places are limited, so register now here:

11 October 2018
17 October 2018