Organizer Kultuurikatel
5794Joint talks about ecological fashion by Outi Pyy and Paula Malleus (Finland)
18:00 - 20:00

Free entrance.

Joint talks about ecological fashion by Outi Pyy and Paula Malleus (Finland)

Kultuurikatel presents joint talks:

“Polariszation of thinking and terminology in the green fashion industry” by Outi Pyy (FI)


“MEM –- the most ecological clothing collection in the world” by Paula Malleus (FI)


Time: Monday, 11 December 18:00–20:00

Place: Terrace Hall, Kultuurikatel, Põhja pst 27a, Tallinn


“Polariszation of thinking and terminology in the green fashion industry” by Outi Pyy (FI)

The green fashion industry is a jungle of terms and concepts. Even the fashion pros cannot agree on all of them, because there is no right way ofto doing things. The consumer is lost and the entire business is at a standstill. But the good news is that there are many options, with different effects.


Outi Pyy

Trashionista and blogger Outi Pyy has been writing about eco fashion, DIY and sustainability since 2007. She has beenis a loud advocate forof green values in Finland for ten years. During this time, she has written a book about ecological recycle fashion called TRASHION, made custom clothes for artists and special events, and held talks and lecturing on sustainability.


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“MEM – the most ecological clothing collection in the world” by Paula Malleus (FI)

Using post consumer waste in the fashion industry as a viable material option has been a taboo in the eco fashion circles. The production method of MEM by Paula Malleus´s production method is revolutionary in many ways. It is an alternative to other ecological materials and pre consumer waste as it is it waterless and has a negative MIPS (material input per service).


Paula Malleus

Paula is the founder of Remake EkoDesign and a Master Seamstress who has been working with clothes for twenty years. With Remake edo-design atelier she has specialiszed in recycling and upcycling fashion fors nearly almost for a decade. Her Collection MEM by Paula Malleus is an upcycled casual wear and eco fashion collection made out of post consumer waste (second hand clothes). Using post consumer waste as the collection’s main material makes these clothes the most ecological in all of the different ways of sustainable fashion. “Recycled and remade from post consumer waste. The hardest way to make eco fashion – but we are doing it.”


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Clothing brand website “MEM”:





Both talks last 45 min, after the talks there is a Q&A session of 30 min.

The talks will be held in English. Free entrance.

All are welcome!


Information: Dagmar Kase / / +372 5887 4921 /