31 October 12.00–19.00
Hall of Cauldrons, Tallinn Creative Hub, Põhja pst 27a, Tallinn
The central questions of the seminar Reality and Virtuality are the connections and commonalities between the real life and the virtual life, between the real world and the virtual world. The seminar focuses on different aspects of playfulness, playing and (role)plays that takes place in public and private space, either in the playroom, on paper, on the theatre stage or in Second Life. Why do we play (games)? Why do we identify with fictional characters? What happens to our real identity in case of a deep identification and how do these roles affect the real identity? How much improvisational freedom do we have? What kind of human relationships do games allow us to have? Does being disembodied in a virtual world allow us to lead a happy and perfect life?
The seminar will begin with a talk by an actress Stephanie Stremler (Germany). The seminar moderators are Margit Keerdo-Dawson, a screenwriter and a script consultant, and Oliver Laas, a cultural theorist and PhD student in philosophy.
The official language of the seminar is English. The seminar is free of charge and pre-registration is not necessary.
See seminar programme in Facebook!
More information / Dagmar Kase / / +372 58874921
The seminar will be held in the framework of project MÄNGUKIHK! (Spieltrieb!) and in collaboration with Tallinn Creative Hub and Goethe Institute in Estonia.