Organizer Tallinna Ettevõtlusamet
3756Tallinn Innovation Day 2017
09:15 - 16:00
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25.00 €

Tallinn Innovation Day 2017

Tallinn Innovation Day 2017 – Innovation is not rocket science!

Global trends leave none of us untouched: sooner or later they reach us all. The same goes for entrepreneurship. There are those who are able to perceive change better and initiate innovative processes based thereon; at the same time, there are others who passively observe what is going on and too often only later discover that the changes that have taken place in society are set to leave a mark on their business activities. In today’s age of information and technology where everything is tied to everything else and people’s ability to influence one another is stronger than ever, every smart idea has a chance of skyrocketing and changing the world. However, we should not forget that when it comes to ideas, what counts is their execution.



9.15-10.00 Welcome coffee + mini-expo

10.00-10.15 Welcome speech (City of Tallinn), Marko Rillo (moderator). Marko is an executive coach focused on innovation in everyday business.

10.15-11.15 Human and societal impacts of the rapid change driven by technological evolution – Gustaf Joseffson (Guff Innovation Lab AB). Gustaf is the voice of the new generation. He does not talk about the future as much as he lives and breathes it. He believes that people have already turned into artificial intelligences. The day-to-day job of the talkative and bright-eyed Gustaf consists of driving around and talking to people, mainly about management theories of the future.

11.15-11.35 Business model innovation according to the customer’s needs, … (MT Memoris funeral home) The business’ aim was to design funeral services entirely based on the customer’s needs. This provided them with great freedom to develop a service that did not conform to existing rules and regulations. By including people and using different service design tools, they developed a service that was in many ways different from that of their competitors in terms of both strategy and the journey leading up to the service. The result is an approach which values the life that was lost – something that is apparent throughout the service’s journey. MT Memoris received a special award in the service design category in the Estonian Design Awards competition in 2016.

11.35-11.55 The person in the midst of innovation – Rain Tunger (Rataskaevu 16, Väike Rataskaevu and Pegasus restaurants). Rain is the co-owner of the restaurants Rataskaevu 16, Pegasus and Väike Rataskaevu in Tallinn, as well as a host on Radio 2. In a short time he has transformed these restaurants into favourites among locals and foreign visitors alike.

11.55-12.15 A new B2B solution in online shopping – Sander Sebastian Agur ( Sander Sebastian was one of the founders of is a solution that indexes all of the industrial components available in warehouses. It is a database for technical items ranging from glues and varnishes via screws and nuts to table legs and lamps and onto hydraulics and pumps.

12.15-13.30 Lunch break + mini-expo

13.30-13.35 Introduction to the afternoon programme

13.35-14.20 Panel discussion: How can you recognise good ideas that deserve to be financed? What constitutes the popularity of crowd funding? What will the future bring? Will the victory of technology wipe out people and reality? – IoT, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, bitcoin, etc. – Kirke Saar (Telia), Ardo Mardisoo (Funderbeam), Heidi Kakko (EstBAN) & Kaur Ojakivi (Collect.Net)

14.20-14.40 The appeal of simplicity – Raivo Tamsalu (Capster). This Estonian start-up at the Tehnopol Tallinn Science Park has developed and launched, in collaboration with specialised doctors, an innovative medical device to call attention to the wide spread of chronic rhinitis. With this simple and user-friendly product, the young business promotes a healthy, science-based treatment method for a range of rhinitis-related problems.

15.00-15.20 What guarantees success? Is the 3 F method enough? Madis Uuemaa (Smart Load Solutions), winner of the Tallinn stage of the 2016 Prototron competition. The 100% Estonian start-up Smart Load Solutions (SLS) has launched an intelligent floor heating thermostat, Themo, which reduces consumers’ electricity costs by taking into account the electricity stock price and weather forecast.

15.20-15.55 Awards ceremony for the winners of the spring round of the Prototron competition

15.55-16.00 Summary of the day

EXPO area: mini-expo where new businesses/start-ups showcase their products and services

Partners: Tehnopol Tallinn Science Park, Junior Achievement, Prototron & Mektory