Organizer Tallinn Bicycle Week
4086TBW Goldsprints clubNIGHT: Telephones [Running Back, NO]
03.06 - 04.06.17
23:00 - 05:00

Ticket: 7€

TBW Goldsprints clubNIGHT: Telephones [Running Back, NO]

The most athletic and entertaining club night of the year is here once again – GOLDSPRINTS, TABLE TENNIS, and dancing ALL NIGHT LONG at Tallinn Creative Hub.

“3-2-1 läks!”:
22:00 LOHAKUNN [skid like superstar in the middle of a party]
23:00 GOLDSPRINTS RACE [head-to-head bicycle rollers race]
23:00 TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT! [table tennis tournament with two indoor tables]


The Cauldron Hall
▲ TELEPHONES [Running Back, NO]

▲ Ott Kelpman & Jaagup Jalakas [Stoner Disco Soundsystem]
▲ Sürr [Jooks]

Tekno Room
▲ Kask
▲ Nikolajev
▲ Firejosé
▲ Karro Seem

▲ Lights and video art by Emer Värk

▲ Kolm Nuudlit [Asian flavors]
▲ Elujanu [Vegetarian, Falafels, wraps]
▲ Paulig [Hot and cold coffe drinks and pastries]


Doors: 22:00


Urban picnic Velotiks will be held in the courtyard of Tallinn Creative Hub on Sunday 4 June.


Tallinn Bicycle Week first took place as part of the events surrounding “European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011”. The festival promotes, studies, and develops bicycle culture in Tallinn and other Estonian cities.


EV100, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Bicycle Studio Jooks, Tallinn Creative Hub, Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, Kino Sõprus, Von Krahl, Škoda, Spot of Tallinn, Police and Border Guard Board, Embassy of the Netherlands, Embassy of Denmark