Organizer NGO Responsible Business Forum in Estonia
2728Responsible Business Forum in Estonia
09:30 - 16:45
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Responsible Business Forum in Estonia

Responsibility is considered to be one of the fastest growing brand components in terms of its importance.

During this conference you will hear the success stories of managers in creating a strong brand and trust. How can you maintain the loyalty of clients and employees? What expectations do foreign markets have of companies? What should you take into account in order to create and maintain long-term cooperation in Estonia and on foreign markets?

The conference will be moderated by leading training specialist Alar Ojastu.


Heldur Meerits – investor & free thinker

Jaan Pillesaar – CEO, Helmes AS

Erki Kilu – CEO, LHV Bank

Annika Lentso – Chairwoman of the Management Board, Development Fund

Kai Realo – CEO, Circle K Estonia (formerly Statoil Fuel & Retail Estonia)

Martin Kõdar – Senior Partner, AS BaltCap

Rain Tunger – Service Manager & Member of the Management Board, Rataskaevu 16 and Pegasus restaurants

Kristjan Õunamägi – Export Manager, Loodusvägi OÜ

Märt Haamer – Chairman of the Management Board, Overall OÜ

Joan Hint – founder & Creative and Marketing Manager, Reval Denim Guild

Andrija Arro – Director of Marketing and Communication, Rimi

Kristiina Esop – CEO, Responsible Enterprise Forum

Kristjan-Paul Raude – CEO & Member of the Management Board, WSI Online

Come and join the discussion, ask questions and get practical advice from some of the most success-minded leaders in Estonia!

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