Organizer Musiccase OÜ
3619TALLINN MUSIC WEEK 2017 – opening concert
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Presale price 25.00 € / At the venue 30.00 €

TALLINN MUSIC WEEK 2017 – opening concert

Held from 27th of March to 2nd of April, Tallinn Music Week (TMW) is a weeklong celebration of talent, curiosity, creativity, freedom and equality.

Kristjan Järvi presents: “Radio Head Rewritten”. The program includes Steve Reich’s “Radio Rewrite” as well as music written and performed by Beatbox Worldchampion Bellatrix, Gene Pritsker as a DJ and a guitarist and Kristjan Järvi. They’re accompanied by an all-star ensemble featuring the Prezioso Quartet, Kristjan Randalu, Heigo and Heili Rosin, Kirke Karja, Mihkel Mälgand, Martin Kuusk and others.

Tallinn Music Week 2017 Opening Concert schedule:
18:00 doors open
19:00 Kristjan Järvi

Ticket to opening concert includes the following programme of opening night in Kultuurikatel!

TMW 2017 is presented by Nordea bank, the partners are Telia and Spotify, Estonian Ministry of Culture, Estonian Enterprise, Eesti Meedia and Nordic Hotel Forum.

TMW’s core is the multi-genre new music festival with the line-up spanning from outsider artists to chart-pop acts and from folk innovators to classical musicians. An international line-up of over 200 acts of various music genres. See them live in Tallinn’s best concert venues, clubs and theatres.