
Tallinn Vegan Fair News
Tallinn Vegan Fair team has come up with good recommendations in order to make the Vegan Fair experience safe for visitors:
TICKETS: Vegan food fair has a limited number of tickets this year. A ticket to one time slot costs 3 euros. We strongly recommend that you purchase tickets from pre-sale to ensure entrance to the fair area:
THREE TIME SLOTS: We will have three time slots on both days, which can accommodate a maximum of 500 visitors at a time. During the breaks between the time slots, we ask the visitors to leave the fair area because we want to ventilate the venue and do the disinfection of handrails, door links and public tables/chairs.
KEEP THE DISTANCE! We ask the visitors to keep a 2-metre distance with the people around. We also ask that visitors do not cause congestion around the exhibit tables. As the number of tickets sold is limited this year, there is plenty of space for everyone.
MASKS: Since this is a food fair, masks cannot be mandatory all the time. However, masks are recommended at a time when you don‘t taste or eat food.
GIFT BAGS! As usual, we are also handing out gift bags. This time, between all the tickets bought from pre-sale until 5 November, 20 gift bags will be handed out during each time slot,  a total of 120 gift bags.  The winners will be announced by the host during each time slot and the gift bags will only be handed out on site from the Vegan Fair info stand.
Please dont visit us when you have flu symptoms! If you join us, please wash or disinfect hands regularly and use the HOIA app.

Stay healthy!