9501Axel Boman & Detroit Swindle
28.06 - 29.06.19
23:00 - 05:00

Pre-sales tickets available in limited numbers from Silverticket: Regular Bird tickets €10 (+ Silverticket transaction fee). Pre-sales tickets guarantee priority entry.

Axel Boman & Detroit Swindle

Getting the party started at Pada at the end of June will be household names in house music, all-star producers, men and legends Axel Boman and Detroit Swindle.

You read that right – Axel Boman and Detroit Swindle will be playing together in the same room at the same event on the same night until the early hours!

It might be worth working from home until early July at least, since after the events of the night of 28 June you’ll definitely need a few days to recover…

Detroit Swindle is the legendary duo of house music producers Lars Dales and Maarten Smeets, who may be Dutch according to their passports, but who live and breathe to the rhythm of Motor City. Their music is a modern take on Motown, characterised by melodic grooves, jazz-like chords and bouncing bass lines.

Axel Boman, who is basically their neighbour from Sweden, is a Stockholm-based house music producer who ended up on all of our iPods (this being in 2010) with the song Purple Drank. As a creator of playful house he’s found his way into the playlists of self-respecting DJs everywhere.

More information about the event can be found on its Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/374708230057515/.

You must be at least 18 years old to enter.