Organizer Estonian Sommelier Association (ESA)
8381Estonian Drinks Festival
15:00 - 20:00

Everyone attending the festival buys a ticket (€15, advance sales €10) which they then swap for five tasting vouchers at a price of €0.50/voucher and a tasting glass. Each voucher is good for 6 cl of the alcohol-free/low-alcohol drink of the holder’s choice or 2 cl of strong alcohol for tasting. Further vouchers can be purchased during the festival. More details on the event’s Facebook page.

Estonian Drinks Festival

Estonia’s beer sommelier and raw cocktail of the year will also be named as part of the festival, during which the best Estonian and Baltic restaurants for 2019 will be unveiled in cooperation with Flavours of Estonia. This is without doubt autumn’s biggest festival in the B2B format.

The Estonian Drinks Festival is primarily designed for people associated with the HoReCa sector, but all visitors are welcome.


All Estonian drinks – alcohol-free beverages, beers, ciders, wines and stronger tipples – are welcome at the event. The aim is to promote the use of locally produced drinks in our cafés and restaurants and to showcase them for end consumers.

Further information:

Those wishing to take part should look into the trade fair support that is available from their municipal or city government, since it should now be possible to apply for such assistance. We have made the relevant amendment to our statutes.

The festival is a one-day event. Spaces in which to promote your drinks will be erected and taken down on the same day. The finalised plans will be drawn up once the total number of participating producers is known.

Further information: Kristel Türk (ESA) E-mail: | Mobile: +372 52 08 533