Organizer Tallinna Kultuurikatel SA
2648A talk and workshop by Geert-Jan Hobijn (Staalplaat Soundsystem)
10.10 - 11.10.16

Free entrance for the talk. The participation fee of the workshop is 15 EUR.


A talk and workshop by Geert-Jan Hobijn (Staalplaat Soundsystem)

Monday, 10 October 17.30—19.00

Lecture “Staalplaat Soundsystem: The Role of Sound Art in Public Space” by Geert-Jan Hobijn (Staalplaat Soundsystem, The Netherlands/Germany)

The talk will be an introduction to Staalplaat Soundsystem’s works in public spaces, giving some insights to the thinking that has been leading and driving the works.

There is thinking on how to create a piece of work, its materials, techniques and what function it has in the public space. With the artwork we express our ideas on the position and role that an artist can play in our society. These projects evolve over time, we do not create a work, but it develops step by step. The piece itself is just the tool to interact with public space and the people in it, similarly like in research and science but with a different result.

The sonic component to each work is the consistent center, it can cross any cultural boundary. Site-specific element is dominant in our public space artwork: the location is dictating what will be done and how it will be done.

The talk will be held in English. Free entrance.

All are welcome! Highly recommended for people participating the workshop on Tuesday, 11 October.

Place: Kultuurikatel, Põhja pst 27a, Woodblock Hall


Tuesday, 11 October 10.00—16.00

Workshop “The Hidden Music Instrument” by Geert-Jan Hobijn (Staalplaat Soundsystem, The Netherlands/Germany)

The Staalplaat Soundsystem workshop will be focused on creating instruments out of every day home electronics. The workshop will explain the concept and principles, but also focus on learning by doing, that in every object is a music instrument hidden. The hard part is finding it and the easy part is bringing it to life. The workshop is not so much about special learning techniques or showing you the tricks. It is about creative thinking; finding a creative solution for new problem and finding the potential of your object.

People should bring a two or three old electronic devices that they will transform in to a musical instrument. NB! You can not use these devices for anything else afterwards!

Optimally  these devises have mechanical components, like a vacuum cleaner or an old kitchen mixer etc. Less useful are digital electronics like an old phone or laptop, it does not have to be 100% functioning but some of the mechanic should still work.

We will make a set up of the result and have a dimmer program running automatic chaser with speed control.

NB! It is a one-day workshop with a limited time frame. In order to boost the efficiency Geert-Jan Hobijn wishes to be in contact with the participants before the workshop, to know what kind of an object is planned to be taken to the workshop and what are the ideas for the object to turn it into a music instrument.

The workshop will be held in English. Participation fee 15 EUR.

Due to the limited seat availability pre-registration is required. Pre-registration till 7 October (incl.) by email You can purchase tickets at the door by cash only, and according to the pre-registration list. Please come with the exact money when attending the workshop. People without registration may participate only if space is available.

All are welcome!

Place: Kultuurikatel, Põhja pst 27a, MakerLab



Geert-Jan Hobijn is the initiator of Staalplaat Soundsystem. He has been the organiser of many sound art and performance events in the past and is the boss of the Staalplaat record Label that hosts the leading cutting edge experimental music acts. Within the current mood of worshipping the latest technology in media art, Staalplaat Soundsystem provides a breath of fresh air, reminding us of the 100-year tradition of noise-making machines, in which “mad” inventors and various kinds of artists operating in the margins of the art world meet. All these installations were made with the same low tech working philosophy, making an installation look so simple that you think ‘I can do that’. The works by Staalplaat Soundsystem are usually brilliant in their simplicity, the first impression leaving no room for technological mystification.

Geert-Jan Hobijn received the Witteveen+Bos Art+Technology Award 2014 in recognition of his entire body of work.

More info:


Dagmar Kase / / +372 58 874 921 /