Organizer Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund
5620Job and Career Fair 2017
11:00 - 17:00

No entrance fee

Job and Career Fair 2017

7 November is the time for change! Come to the Job and Career Fair held from 11-17 on 7 November in the Creative Hub in Tallinn.

We will help make a positive change in your life with new contacts, exciting speakers, motivational success stories, respected employers, future development visions and analysing workshops.


We hope to see

everyone looking for a job or career change at the fair. Change is a part of evolution. We either go along with it, retune ourselves and try to benefit from it, or not. If not, then what are we waiting for?

Reduced capacity for work, necessary language skills, youth or age are specific features, but they cannot be the reasons for you remaining on the sidelines.


Approximately 100 employers will attend the fair

from Estonia and abroad. Estonian companies from the areas of IT, manufacturing, warehousing, trade, service industry and public administration will be represented. They will be offering jobs for specialists and unskilled workers, part-time and full-time, short-term employment and seasonal jobs. It is still possible to find jobs abroad via the EURES programme.


We welcome young people

who are still looking for their place on the labour market. Where do you start? How do you get started? The fair offers career counselling and various workshops. Several educational institutions that offer new and interesting training and in-service courses will be represented at the fair. You can establish direct contacts with employers offering traineeship opportunities. Our best specialists will give valuable advice about recruiting young people and job seeking.


We welcome elderly people

who feel that they still can and want to contribute to society by working. Many employers offer part-time work, which could be suitable for older people. Elderly people who have the professional skills that interest employers, especially in areas where the number of new, younger specialists is not sufficient, are particularly valuable.


Career seminar

“Our people – our opportunities 3.0” will focus on the professions of the present era: blogger, YouTuber and sharing economy. We’ll talk about possible future jobs and whether predicting the future is possible. We will come to the conclusion that skilled employee = successful enterprise and the conversation group will only consist of women who firmly believe that nobody is born to be an entrepreneur: you just have to have the guts to go for it. Join us to hear exciting presentations and discussions!


The service seminar

will inform attendees more about the OSKA programme and how people can train and further their education if their skills are lacking – it doesn’t matter whether you’re employed or unemployed. We will talk about the Work & Learn service programme, which supports the acquisition of skills. We will explain how the capacity for work is assessed and there will be a Q&A session with a doctor. We will also give you advice on how to start a company with the support of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.


The workshops at the fair

are practical, interesting and useful. You will find answers to the following questions:

How to cope with stress and reduce tension?

How to sell yourself if you have no work experience?

Are you at a crossroads and can’t decide what to do next?

Would it be better to carry on working for someone else or to establish your own company?


Our partners from the Tax and Customs Board, the Labour Inspectorate and the Social Insurance Board will answer your questions. The organisations that unite people with special needs will also be represented. Case managers from the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund will counsel people with special needs at the fair. Our specialists will give free career advice and everyone can also attend career counselling – the latter is meant for employed people and job seekers alike.


Those who cannot make it to career counselling at the fair can always come to the Lilleküla office of the Unemployment Insurance Fund for free counselling – further information is available online at

Start making a groundbreaking change for yourself. Come to the fair!