Organizer Tartu Kontsertkorraldus OÜ
7383Koit Toome & Hanna-Liina Võsa concert: ‘Hello Space, Hello Earth’
20:00 - 21:30
Buy Ticket
Tickets €22. Subject to Piletilevi service fee of €0.50. Free admission for children up to 10 years of age. Tickets will also be available an hour before the show at the venue.

Koit Toome & Hanna-Liina Võsa concert: ‘Hello Space, Hello Earth’

Two beloved Estonian singers, Hanna-Liina Võsa and Koit Toome, will be touring together for the first time this summer. Although they have worked together in musicals many times, playing young lovers, the two singers have seldom been seen together on stage without fine make-up and costumes. They will be addressing that oversight this summer! Hanna-Liina and Koit’s interaction and friendship are fun and direct, and there is plenty to recall with the audience.

‘Hello Space, Hello Earth’ is devoted to golden Estonian oldies and popular singers over the years. They will sing solos and duets made famous by Georg Ots, Heli Lääts, Uno Loop, Marju Kuut, Jaak Joala, Anne Veski and many other legendary artists. They will put their own twist on the songs, with Hanna-Liina’s beautiful voice and Koit’s soft timbre. The singers will be accompanied by one of Estonia’s most cheerful and skilled guitarists, Marek Talts.

Doors open at 19:00.

For further information see or call +372 50 59 625.