Organizer The University of Tartu, Tartu Art College, the Estonian Aviation Academy, Tartu Health Care College and the Estonian University of Life Sciences
5953Higher education day “Study in Tartu!”
10:00 - 15:00
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Free admission for registered students. Registration is open until 31 December or until all places are full. Registration for workshops starts on 23 October.

Higher education day “Study in Tartu!”

The extremely popular higher education day “Study in Tartu!” is back! Open your diary and draw a big circle around 11 January, because this is the day we’ll be dedicating to you. We will fill the school day with inspiration and focus on the opportunities you have to continue your studies and which specialty suits you the best.

The higher education day and conference will be held at the Creative Hub in Tallinn and this year, the event will include many new workshops and the room of specialties we’ve added to the programme. All of this is aimed at helping you to make the difficult decision of which path to choose for your future. All the activities of the higher education day are available as one-hour blocks, which allows you to put together a programme that suits you.

The hosts of the day are Jim Ashilevi and Henri Laumets.

Book a place today by registering on our website

The event is supported by Tartu City, SEB and Eesti Meedia.