Organizer Mindvalley
6840Mindvalley U Tallinn 2018
28.06 - 22.07.18

You can only participate in the Mindvalley U educational programme by applying for a place! You can find further information and submit an application here.

Mindvalley U Tallinn 2018

What is Mindvalley?

Mindvalley is an international educational and technology company established by Vishen Lakhiani in 2003 whose mission is to bring education that develops necessary life skills to millions of people worldwide by organising virtual courses of world-famous authors, conferences and festivals. Mindvalley is also highly committed to promoting employee-friendly organisational culture and has been named by Worldblu as one of the most democratic international companies for many years running.

Mindvalley and Estonia

Vishen Lakhiani, the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, is a great supporter of Estonia. He is connected to Estonia via his Estonian wife Kristina Mänd Lakhiani, their two children and the 15-member Mindvalley team that works in Estonia. His book The Code of the Extraordinary Mind was published in Estonian in 2017. It was published for the first time in English in 2016 and quickly rose to the top of the New York Times and Amazon bestseller lists.

In summer 2018 the Mindvalley team will be bringing their major event Mindvalley U to Tallinn for the first time. Its programme will be held at the Creative Hub from 28 June-22 July.

What is Mindvalley U?

Mindvalley U is an educational self-development programme that lasts for around a month. We expect ca 800 participants, most of whom will be foreigners. The first such alternative summer university took place in Barcelona in summer 2017. It attracted 300 people and turned out to be very successful.

The people who participate in Mindvalley U are entrepreneurs, digital nomads, visionaries, authors, etc. and many of them will be coming to Tallinn for several weeks with their families. The programme consists of workshops, presentations, meditation, yoga classes, excursions and social events. Since the goal of Mindvalley U is to offer an educational platform for lifelong learning irrespective of the person’s age, we also have a separate programme for children and teenagers.

We are working with the teams from EV100 and the Estonian Investment Agency of Enterprise Estonia as well. As a jubilee gift to the Republic of Estonia, we will be organising a free inspiration day for Estonian youth at the Creative Hub on 21 July, at which we expect to see ca 500 young people aged 14-20 from all corners of Estonia. Inspiring local and foreign speakers will talk to them on the day, sharing their experience and skills and helping the youngsters find their own path, follow their hearts and achieve their dreams and the vision of their lives.


You can only participate in Mindvalley U by applying for a place. You can find further information and submit an application here.  

Further information:

Kadi Oja

Project Manager, Mindvalley U Tallinn 2018

+372 5561 3676
