Organizer Nordic Conferences OÜ
9195Nordic Testing Days
29.05 - 31.05.19

More information on the website.

Nordic Testing Days

Nordic Testing Days is an annual conference primarily aimed at software testers. However, during thein recent years we have branched out and also welcome others ranging from programmers to UX specialists, project managers to designers etcand more –. Iin other words, everyone who is interested in dipping their toes into testing and contributing to a smoother software development cycle and quality. We believe this will help diversify learning across the board.

The Nordic Testing Days conference is put together by volunteers, who are mostly testing professionals, committed to strengthening the community and providing software quality- related education.

Nordic Testing Days targets both seasoned and young professionals who are just starting out in the field of IT. The aim is to advance their knowledge of testing and why it is necessary, as well as to inspire them to commit to delivering excellent software, and, why not, even hardware products. We want to create an environment where experience can be shared by telling stories of great success and even failure stories from the field. The conference also serves as a forum, offering networking opportunities for employers and potential employees.

Nordic Testing Days wishes to make get testers from the Baltic States and Northern the Nordic countries noticed in Europe and draw attention to the skills and know-how available.

Finally, Nordic Testing Days wants seeks to cultivate an appreciation for the profession of software testing in order to keep specialists engaged with testing and tap into their knowledge for the greater good of the profession, as well as to contribute to the better understanding and collaboration among all those people involved in delivering quality software.