Organizer Ministry of the Environment
7842Circular economy conference: ‘Turn outgoings into incomings!’
17.09 - 18.09.18
09:00 - 17:00

Admission free

Circular economy conference: ‘Turn outgoings into incomings!’

Estonia will soon be making the switch to a circular economy, which means it is high time we found out more about this innovative economic model and the opportunities it presents.

The conference is open in particular to industrial companies interested in more resource-efficient production methods, making full use of production surplus and such, thanks to which expenditure which serves no purpose can in time be turned into profit. Other circular economy promoters and enthusiasts are also welcome to attend.

Speaking at the conference will be those who have a deeper working knowledge of the circular economy as well as those who have already successfully implemented this knowledge. We will be presenting examples and their numbers from Estonia and elsewhere in Europe.

In order to find inspiration for innovative and forward-looking ideas, there will also be themed workshops and round tables. We will learn how to keep raw materials in circulation for as long as possible; what innovative product design could be like; what the green public procurements which are set to become mandatory will entail; how to implement environmental management systems; how to obtain investment loans; how to apply for resource efficiency support; and more.

For more information see