Organizer Presented by the National Institute for Health Development, the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Tallinn University Haapsalu College and the World Health Organization
9314Conference: ‘How to create an environment that supports health’
10:30 - 16:30

Attendance of the conference is free of charge. The number of places is limited. To take part, register by 27 May.

Conference: ‘How to create an environment that supports health’

People’s health, development, behaviour and choices are influenced by aspects of the living environment that surrounds them – be they physical, intellectual, social, digital, economic or political. Whereas a significant amount of attention has been given to certain aspects (such as the dangers presented by the physical environment and the prevention of injuries), how the environment affects, for example, people’s behaviour and thinking or how spatial design is related to health are less talked-about topics.

How can we ensure that our environments at home, in our schools and kindergartens, at work, in the places we live and in the country as a whole help to promote and maintain people’s health and favour healthy choices, regardless of people’s level of education, gender, age or the region they live in?

Attendance of the conference is free of charge. The number of places is limited. To take part, register online at