
The Creative Hub boasts a colourful history – for years it has been providing the people of Tallinn with electricity, warmth and culture!

The exciting history of the Creative Hub has been written down and turned into a film under the guidance of director Agne Nelk. The three-part series of video films tells the story of the Creative Hub from 1909-2017.

Although the reconstructed building of the Creative Hub was opened as a creative and event centre for the first time in February 2015, the history of the building dates back to 1909 when Tallinn City Government decided to construct the first power plant for the city. A boiler house was built during the expansion of the power plant in 1934, and today this limestone building is home to the Creative Hub. The boiler house remained in use until 1987 and then stood empty for around a decade. Veronika Valk was the first to mention the idea of turning the old power plant into a cultural centre in her Master’s thesis written in 1998-99. This idea started coming to life in 2009, when Tallinn City Government allocated money for the construction of the Creative Hub. That May, Kavakava architects Siiri Vallner and Indrek Peil were declared the winners of the Creative Hub architecture competition, and reconstruction of the building started in 2010.

The history of the Creative Hub is rich in detail, all of which is included in three videos divided logically according to the historical purpose of the building: “Electricity” (1909-1940), “Heat” (1940-1982) and “Culture” (1982-2017). Each video is 7-9 minutes long and mostly based on historical photographic material. The video also informs viewers that the construction of the famous stone chimney of the Creative Hub ended on 27 March 1948 and that it will turn 70 this year.

The video clips can be viewed on the website of the Creative Hub at


Video creators

Directed by: Agne Nelk

Film editing by: Lauri Laasik

Sound editing by: Jevgeni Berezovski

Cinematography by: Ants-Martin Vahur, CJ Kask, Mihkel Soe & Agne Nelk

Graphics by: Marge Nelk

Editing by: Agne Nelk, Mia-Nicolena Aaver, Liina Oja & Dagmar Kase

Archives: Film Archive, National Library, History Database of Eesti Energia & private collection of Eimar Jõgisu

Acknowledgements: Tambet Tasuja, Aida Nelk, Kaijo Haavistu & Eimar Jõgisu


For further information please contact:

Dagmar Kase

+372 5887 4921