

685 Search Results for:

XI Design Night Festival “Redefining Design”
The reputable international Design Night titled “Redefining Design” will once again take place as part of Tallinn Design Festival during 12-18 September. The design night includes high-level design exhibitions, showrooms,…
Cauldron Hall
The unparalleled spatial experience offered by this industrial hall has captivated audiences, presenters and performers alike, including world-renowned musicians and some of Europe’s most senior politicians. Its boilers may have…
Treff 2016 – “Ramkoers”
RAMKOERS Musical theatre company BOT The Netherlands   Spectacular musical theatre with big machinery and delicate songs. Ramkoers is an exhilarating show in which the musicians don’t take anything for…
New restaurant in Kultuurikatel!
In Kultuurikatel is now opened new restaurant - Korsten, Armastus & Hea Toit (Põhja pst 27a.) Chef Karol Pawlik has 15 year experience in London and restaurant manager is Urmo Unus.…
Symphony Orchestra of the North-Western Russia “Music from Films”
16th of July at 21:00, The third VIP-concert in Alion Baltic International Music Festival 2016 program. Symphony Orchestra of the North-Western Russia. Artistic Director/Conductor – Gennady Chernov. “Music from Films”…
Step into Tallinn Creative Hub!
Its now possible to look inside Tallinn Creative Hub via Google! You can take short tour in Cauldron hall and Atrium. Visit us here! The tour was made by / Lauri…
Kultuurikatlas tutvustatakse Gonsiori tänava ja Haabersti liiklussõlme eskiisprojekte
Kultuurikatlas tutvustatakse Gonsiori tänava ja Haabersti liiklussõlme eskiisprojekte.  Teisipäeval, 12. aprillil algusega kell 16 toimub Kultuurikatlas (Põhja puiestee 27a) Gonsiori tänava rekonstrueerimistööde eskiisi tutvustus ja arutelu.  Gonsiori tänava rekonstrueerimise projekti eesmärgiks…
Tallinn Fashion Week 2016
Tallinn Fashion Week 2016 on 24th and 25th march in Tallinn Creative Hub (Põhja pst 27a, Tallinn) Information and program / 5517866 / tfw@estonianfashion.eu
Tallinn Music Week / Klaaspärlimäng
One of the higlights of TMW 2016 music programme is the performance of “Turntable Concerto” of the London-based cross-over composer Gabriel Prokofiev by chamber orchestra Glasperlenspiel Sinfonietta and DJ Mr…